- Oct 4, 2020
Review: John Kaipainen
A well researched, warmly presented, compelling family saga from the lost Finnish border region of Karjala. Couldn't put it down, and...
- Sep 28, 2020
Review - Lea Springer
"The Carmichael book as well as the Karjala book arrived today--so it was a red letter day! I stayed up late reading parts of Karjala...
- Sep 28, 2020
Review - Erkki and Linda
"Am reading your book. Great history. Am from Sault Ste. Marie. My DNA shows that I am 98% Karjalainen. Recommending this book. Thank...
- Sep 28, 2020
Review - Amazon.com Customer
"It was a gift. Well received." - Amazon.com Customer
- Sep 28, 2020
Review - Jack Butler
"The book is not only easy reading but is so extensive and well researched that it should be used as a University reference book." - Jack...
- Sep 28, 2020
Review - Jim Piggot
"I am in the middle of Kaarlo’s book and I am happy to tell you that it is extremely well-written and I am thoroughly enjoying it. It...